Maximet Compact Weather Stations

Maximet GMX100 Weather Station

Maximet GMX100

Precipitation: An optical rain gauge that senses water hitting its outside surface and takes measurements based on the size and number of drops.

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Maximet GMX200 174x210

Maximet GMX200

Wind Speed and Direction: Measurements are provided via an ultrasonic sensor and the addition of an electronic compass.

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Maximet GMX300 181x210

Maximet GMX300

Temperature, Humidity and Pressure. A combined instrument mounted inside three double louvered, naturally aspirated radiation shields with no moving parts.

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Maximet GMX301 149x210

Maximet GMX301

Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Solar Radiation: The GMX300 with an integrated solar radiation sensor/pyranometer.

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Maximet GMX400 154x210

Maximet GMX400

Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Precipitation: The GMX300 with an integrated  optical rain gauge.

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Maximet GMX500 156x210

Maximet GMX500

Temperature, Humidity, Pressure with Wind Speed and Direction: The GMX300 with an integrated  ultrasonic wind sensor.

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Maximet GMX501 129x210

Maximet GMX501

Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Solar Radiation with Wind Speed and Direction: The GMX300 with an integrated  ultrasonic wind sensor and pyranometer.

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Maximet GMX600 131x210

Maximet GMX600

Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Precipitation with Wind Speed and Direction: The GMX300 with an integrated  ultrasonic wind sensor and optical rain gauge.

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